Disturbing news from my friend Patricia -- her husband suffered a hemorrhagic stroke last week. Patricia, I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your family. I will pray for you...
That said, there is much to do that will help with rehabilitation. Mark may require a lot of help with mobility. Some stroke survivors regain a lot of their former function over a period of time. Establish a regular exercise regimen. One of the greatest hazards is accidental falls. You'll need to evaluate your living space to minimize the risks.
The hospital has probably already started things like physical therapy and other rehab treatments. You could find out what they've been doing and take it from there. A lot will depend on what neurological deficits you need to work with.
I don't understand why you needed another such trial Patricia, but you are obviously a very strong woman. There must be some reason we seem to get more than our fair share.
Next instalment: Snail Hollow - The Dark Times