The Lord has provided all of the tools necessary for us to go to the rescue of our less-active and nonmember friends. Elder Arnold outlines points that can assist us in this duty.
Principle 1: We Must Not Delay Going to the Rescue
Sometimes many weeks pass as we talk about how to help families or individuals who are in special need. We deliberate about who will visit them and the approach to take. Meanwhile, our lost brothers and sisters continue needing and sometimes even calling and pleading for help. We must not delay.
Principle 2: We Must Never Give Up
President Thomas S. Monson, who has sounded the clarion call to go to the rescue, noted, “Our members need to be reminded that it is never too late when it comes to our … less-active members … who could have been considered a hopeless cause.”
Principle 3: How Great Shall Be Your Joy If You Bring Save It Be One Soul unto Christ
Many years ago in a general conference, I spoke of how José de Souza Marques understood the words of the Savior that “if any man among you be strong in the Spirit, let him take with him him that is weak, that he may … become strong also.”
Principle 4: No Matter Our Age, We Are All Called to Go to the Rescue
President Henry B. Eyring declared, “Whatever our age, capacity, Church calling, or location, we are as one called to the work to help [the Savior] in His harvest of souls until He comes again.”9
Each day more and more of our children, our youth, our young single adults, and our adult members of all ages are heeding the Savior’s clarion call to go to the rescue.
The Lord has provided all of the tools necessary for us to go to the rescue of our less-active and nonmember friends. We can all do it!