Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Minding My Own Business

I used to see a lot of such signs.  Apparently they are no longer politically-correct.

Ben Shapiro editorializes about this phenomenon.

The trend toward increased intolerance for anything that does not meet with popular approval continues to grow.

Minority interests force their views through lawsuits and sympathetic courts.  Anyone expressing non-conforming views is liable to get sued.  We have entered a realm where the thought police have attained supremacy.  The rulings of federal judges has far more preeminence than mere democratic process.

In my view, each needs to find his own balance.  My personal answer is to try to live after the manner of happiness.  Others seem to find different answers.

I find no reason to denigrate the viewpoint of others.  We all stand in our own place, and every perspective is unique.  But I maintain, and will continue to insist, that there is something that represents the ideal.  And it represents something that is greater than me, or any purpose that humankind can effect.

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