Excerpts from President Gordon B. Hinckley in a recent message to the Church.
"There are two powers on the earth and in the midst of the inhabitants of the earth—the power of God and the power of the devil. In our history we have had some very peculiar experiences. When God has had a people on the earth, it matters not in what age, Lucifer, the son of the morning, and the millions of fallen spirits that were cast out of heaven, have warred against God, against Christ, against the work of God, and against the people of God. And they are not backward in doing it in our day and generation. Whenever the Lord set His hand to perform any work, those powers labored to overthrow it." (Quoting from October 1896 Conference address, President Wilford Woodruff)
In this work there must be commitment. There must be devotion. We are engaged in a great eternal struggle that concerns the very souls of the sons and daughters of God.
We are not losing. We are winning.
We will continue to win if we will be faithful and true.
We can do it. We must do it. We will do it.
There is nothing the Lord has asked of us that in faith we cannot accomplish. (President Gordon B. Hinckley, "An Unending Conflict, A Victory Assured", Ensign, Jun 2007, 4–9)
I sustain and follow the brethren in the example they set with reference to this matter of such grave and immediate concern to our lives.
Let us keep our focus on the testimony of our inspired leaders. We face continuing challenges that will shake the faith of those not prepared. We must stand in holy places, and not be moved.
Remember, in our individual stewardships, there is nothing the Lord has asked of us that in faith we cannot accomplish. A living prophet of the one true and living God has so testified.
I share my solemn witness and testimony that he speaks the truth. There is no power in this world that can stay the hand of God from carrying out His eternal purposes. No host of the destroyer can challenge His work or change the course of His will. What the Lord has spoken will all be fulfilled.
To my friends in Christ, let us prepare and strengthen ourselves, and continue steadfast. We are promised that if we are prepared, we have nothing to fear.
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