Once again, we have the opportunity to sit at the feet of prophets and inspired men of God, to hear inspired words of counsel for our day.
Today seems like an even more crucial moment than any day in the recent past. Perhaps words of advice will be the key for preserving us from impending disaster. Let us hope so.
I do.
One of the things my family and I miss most about being here in Texas is getting together with you and the Grand-folks for Conference. Yes, it's good to hear the word of the Lord no matter where you are, but it doesn't mean the same...
PS why do they always draw the Liahona like that? Sure, it's a ball, but what's with the little finial looking thing on the top? I don't know why, but they all seem to look like the Arnold Freiburg representations... I guess anyone's idea is as good as anyone else. I gus pictured something a little less neo-classical or something - something more simple and clear...
We miss having you here -- but you are working in a place where you can do many good things. Keep on keepin' on.
The Liahona is literally a sort of compass. I don't know why it is so often depicted as it is -- modern-day compasses sure look different! Maybe Garmin has a copyright or something...
I would be hard-pressed to identify my favorite conference talk. We laughed and laughed when Elder Wirthlin told his stories. And I was very impressed at Elder Uchdorfs counsel to stand close together and life where we stand. There were also many other words of wisdom and counsel that we will need to review, when the text is available. I would say that there is plenty to read until the next session of conference!
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