Pink Floyd, the flamin’ pink flamingo bird,
he flew the coop today, to search the land.
Into the skies of blue, poor Floyd was lured,
enticed, away from friendly keepers hands.
Captivity he fled, to seek his kind,
compounding his own natural mistake.
How seldom has a bird been proved so blind –
he roosted on the marge of Great Salt Lake.
For birds of like, sad Floyd has waited long.
Alas, his flock in Africa abides.
He wastes his days composing lover’s songs,
high hopes on languishing good fortune ride.
Pink Floyd, how long his lakeside vigil keeps,
in unrequited love, the lone bird weeps.
(Pink Floyd is an African flamingo who escaped
from Tracy Aviary and is now occasionally seen
along the shores of Great Salt Lake.)
from Tracy Aviary and is now occasionally seen
along the shores of Great Salt Lake.)
Lucky, happy Floyd - living in the hope of all hopes, blind to the harshness of those who would tell him there is none. I think he must be very lucky to have such blind faith, and freedom.
I do not know if I would call it luck. Floyd follows his instinct, it leads him astray. There will never be other birds like him at the lake. His flock lives 5000 miles away in Africa.
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