Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The Reunion

Well, I guess since Sarah went first, then I get to go second. That has been my lot in life so far- why change now? Going second is often the only option for the second child, especially in age related matters, like going to school or going on a LDS mission. It's really not that bad of a deal, since parents get the chance to learn from all the mistakes they made with the first child!

So, many people looking at this blog, are now wondering who I am. My name is Rob Thomas, the second oldest son of the blog owner, Jim Cobabe. My dad asked me to start posting a short while ago and here I am. At this point, I don't know how much or how often that I will post, but just like any journey, be it short or lengthy, it all begins with the first step.

My current journey with my dad started in Nov. 2007. We had not seen each other since Sept. 1998! The reunion came about in surprising fashion. One day, out of the clear blue, a thought came to my mind- call your dad on the phone! Now that posed several difficult questions:

1. What is my dad's phone number?

2.Where does he currently live?

3. Will he even want to talk to me?

The first two questions were easy enough to answer, all I had to do was Google it. As for the final question, there was only one way to know, call him and find out! Now, that sounds pretty easy, and from a physical and technological standpoint, it is. However, from a psychological viewpoint, it's something else entirely. After a few weeks of consideration and not be able to dismiss the thought of calling, it came time for a leap of faith.

On a side note, I only discussed this idea with my lovely wife, Stacy. She is a wonderful woman, and we have been married for a little over 2 years. She was quite surprised when I told her what I had been thinking about, and admittedly curious about "the other side" of the family. She offered her full support either way, but insisted that the choice was mine and mine alone to make. After all, he was my father, not hers and the impression to call him had come only to me.

Ultimately, the choice to call was made, and the rest is history. I will continue to rely the experience in detail on later posts, that is if anyone wants to hear it! Well, I have work early tomorrow, so that's it for today.

Next instalment:  Reunion Part 2

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