Monday, November 16, 2015

October 2015 General Conference

Video and text of the Conference is available online HERE.

Notes from the Conference addresses...

Saturday AM

Eyring conducts

Choir: I Know That My Savior Loves Me

It Works Wonderfully!

We miss those who have passed
We will call new apostles this weekend

Tell men there are billions of stars and he'll believe you
Tell him there's wet paint and he'll touch it

Medical procedure, Internet search

Truth may be too simple, so we discard it in pursuit of other information that may be outlandish

He ye experience this mighty change in your hearts

There are some that have a less than fulfilling experience

The Gospel can invigorate

Why does it seem to work better for some than for others

Are we making our discipleship too complicated

We risk losing sight of purity

Quilt was not completed, she worked all night on the quilt

Theme of her lesson “Simplify”

Believe in God and trust his promises

We want to serve Him

Beautifully simple

If you think the Gospel is not working for you

- Step back and simplify

- Start where you are

We don't need to be more of anything to start to become what we want to be

God did not give up on Moses

Everlasting potential, divine destiny

It works

Focus on the simplicity that is in Christ

God Is at the Helm

Stay on the old ship Zion

Clear and simple truths

1 - Church has always been led by inspired apostles
- Our leaders sometimes make mistakes
- Gods grace is sufficient
- Focusing on how the Lord inspires

2 - Knowledge of the Plan of Salvation
- Little child causes reflection Who Are You
- When infants die, Hold on to the Gospel truth with both hands

3 – God created Adam and Eve to help send His children
- Sends Heavenly Messengers
- Family Proclamation
- Commandments are priceless truths

4 – Delight in the Sabbath Day
- remember that sacrament meeting is the Lord's
- spirit of worship
- all of us are blessed when the Sabbath is filled with the Spirit of the Lord

Let us stay on board
Vehicle to take us to a destination

The Joy of Living a Christ-Centered Life

Living a Christ-centered life

Elder Oba making pottery

I can't do this, why is this so difficult
I don't have any experience, I have not been trained
Place the clay in the exact center of the wheel

The speed of the wheel is increasing

Keep His commandments with exactness
How well our lives are centered in Jesus Christ

Ammon and King Lamoni and Aaron
What shall I do that I may be born of God?

Living the Gospel can bring us great happiness, even in the middle of incredible hardship

They were able to live after the manner of happiness because they were centered in Chist

Singing: We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet

Yielding Our Hearts to God

A true disciples heart

Have thine own way
Thou art the potter, I am the clay

(Ah am from the deep Saouth, she drawls)

When we are listening and still, our minds can be open to inspiration

Your resentment diminishes your capacity
Yielding to the Lord's way is the only way

A broken heart and a contrite spirit

Can we love Jesus Christ more than we love our own agenda? I'll be what you want me to be.

It will all work out

What Lack I Yet?

Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect

The journey of discipleship is not an easy one

The Holy Ghost makes and ideal travelling companion

What lack I yet? If thou wilt be perfect, come and follow me.
Be willing to act,when we receive and answer

What is keeping me from progressing

What do I need to change?
The Holy Ghost really does give customized counsel

Move on to something more challenging

Sanctification makes it possible

What is keeping me from progressing?

A revelation intended just for you.

Heavenly Father rejoices every time we take a step forward. Direction is more important than speed.

Allow the Holy Ghost to lead us home

The Pleasing Word of God

He will give us the strength we need

Oh God, where art Thou? Peace be unto thysoul.

After much tribulation cometh the blessings

Some suffering and pain can enter our lives if we fail to repent.

Only temporary relief

Without repentance the effect of remission can begin to recede

What vanities interfere?

Turn away from doing thy pleasure

Natural man conflicts with the will of God

Become reconciled with His will

Repentance will take malice envy from our hearts. We will see the good in others.

We will become better people.

Choir: Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer

Shipshape and Bristol Fashion:

Be Temple Worthy—in Good Times and Bad Times

If there be no righteousness there be no happiness

Myth of happiness without righteousness

Shipshape and Bristol fashion

Ships subject to great tidal ebb, poorly constructed ships damaged

Storms and challenge are unpredictable

If we are prepared we shall not fear

Basic moral principles

Under serious attack, tendency to call evil good, and good evil.

In the Plan of Happiess agency is crucial

Sometimes it can feel far away, reward can seem unattainable

Wickedness never was happiness

- Righteous self control and conduct
We all stumble and fall in the pursuit of righteousness

Marshmallow experiment about self control and addiction

Self control is like a muscle, develop through exercise

230,000 missions over the past 5 years.

Lifestyles bring neither joy nor happiness

- Honoring the Sabbath brings peace and security
Participating in Jewish Sabbath celebration
Family love, devotion, and accoutability to God
Sabbath helps separate us from what is immoral or unholy
Improve Sabbath righteousness

- Spirit voice of warning and protection

Find happiness in this life and reward in the life to come

Bristol tide, everything that was holding us up disappears

Choir: Come Come Ye Saints

Saturday PM

Conducting:  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Opening:  Elder Vinson

Sustaining vote:  President Eyring

Meeting the Challenges of Today’s World

Counsel about dating
Reach up, not out
The power is in you
Looking in all the wrong places, in all the wrong ways
The prodigal son: “He came to himself”
Conduct a personal council
What areas of my life do I want to strenthen
What choices do I need to make to get there?

Shall we not go on in His great cause?

Behold Thy Mother

He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows

Where we need to be, but cannot get there without assistance

Can you hear in this language another human endeavor

No love in mortality comes closer than the love of a woman for her child

My kindness shall not depart from thee

How can mortal love be so strong

Mother's work should tell us

Three experiences

Same-sex attraction repents and returns

Mexico City dedication

Thank you to mothers

Singing: Come Follow Me

It’s Never Too Early and It’s Never Too Late

We cannot let allow our families to be made over in the image of the world

Perilous times

Lasting conversion

The Parable of the Sower

Something within that cannot be affected by those things without

Helen Keller, miracle worker

Pablo story, I learned from my Dad
Not only hear, but understand

It's never too early, and it's never too late

Tested and Tempted—but Helped

Responsibility to help each other

1. Go with him twain

Members unable to attend the Temple because the session was full

2. Smile

Someone was watching me

Someone is watching you

Elder Nelson gave me a big smile

3. Express feelings of compassion to others

4. Cornerstone of the Gospel is the Atonement. Reflect on the Atonement

Choose the Light

The tunnels were dark, and we needed lights
Light at the end of the tunnel
Our preparations are insufficient
Powerful light of spiritual faith
Doubt may drive us into apostasy

Peter: Lord, save me

While we are struggling in the darkness there is nothing wrong with relying on help from our loved ones.

Why would we listen to the great and spacious building

Those who mock sacred things may have hidden agenda

Doubt not the Lord or His goodness, we've proved Him in days that are past

There is not darkness that cannot be overcome by the light

Turn to Him and Answers Will Come

Parents get missionary lessons
Pray about Book of Mormon
Why Heavenly Father didn't answer
When we have a sincere heart, with real intent

Begins with being converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Laman and Lemuel had enough experiences to build faith

We are place on Earth to be tested

When success did not come that gave up
Have ye inquired of the Lord?
How is it that you do not keep the commandments of the Lord

I know some returned missionaries
Have had enough experiences
Song of Redeeming Love

Do not give up
Never give up

Sons of Mosiah were depressed at the beginning
Trials strengthened their committment

We will all face trials
Open doors of revelation
Much prayer and fasting
When we call, the Lord shall answer
Personal religious habits
If you have been tempted to murmur
What greater witness can you have than from God?

Answer came not as an event, but as a process

Work without faith is dead

Find an inspired solution

Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ

In mortality we have the certainty of death and the challenge of sin
Atonement can over come thise mortal challenges

Savior experience infirmities of his people

Jesus healed the people

Upheld by my righteous omnipotent hand

Many are the afflictions of the rightous

Feeling of rejection

Racial and ethnic prejudices

Mortal infirmities not caused by our sins

For many the infirmity of depression



Can be relieved by help from the Savior

The healing power is available for all of us

Saturday Priesthood Meeting

By the grace of Christ, we will one day be saved through faith on His name. The future of your faith is not by chance, but by choice

Faith never demands an answer to every question, but seeks the assurance and courage to move forward 

I don’t know everything, but I do know enough to continue on the path of discipleship.

Immersing oneself in persistent doubt, fueled by answers from the faithless and the unfaithful, weakens one’s faith in Jesus Christ and the Restoration.

Friendly advice:  Give Brother Joseph a break!
The guidance of the First Presidency and the Twelve help protect faith.

Faith is a choice.  Strengthen your faith and live to be deserving of the Savior’s approving words - great is thy faith.

Your Next Step

Who desires to live with Heavenly Father again?
Who has confidence you’ll succeed? 
When we perceive a gap between who we are now and who we desire to become, many are tempted to choose to lose faith and hope
We have heaven’s help because of Jesus Christ and His Atonement
Our loving Heavenly Father rejoices in each faithful step, and … if we fall, He rejoices in each effort to get back up and try again.
The Lord more than matches our willingness to act in faith. Our willingness to take a step is not just met — it is exceeded —by the Lord's promised blessings
Two essential weekly signposts that mark our journey to our Heavenly Father are the perpetual covenants of the ordinance of the sacrament and our Sabbath observance.
Another signpost is attending the temple

We must counter the natural man’s tendency to procrastinate, to put off or give up.
We fail only if we fail to take another faithful step forward. 

Be Not Afraid, Only Believe

Are we like Daniel?
Do we stand loyal to God?
Do we just talk the talk, or do we enthusiastically walk the walk?
Daniel passed his test. Ours still continues.
 Satan suggests that the doubter, the skeptic, the cynic is sophisticated and intelligent, while those who have faith in God and His miracles are naĆÆve, blind or brainwashed. He will advocate that it is cool to doubt spiritual gifts and the teachings of the prophets.
We believe in God because of things we know with our heart and mind, not because of things we do not know.
Cynics content themselves with observing from a distance, sipping from their cups of skepticism, doubt and disrespect.
Wanting to believe the necessary first step
A little scientific curiosity — it requires an experiment upon the word of God — and the exercise of a particle of faith.
If God reveals Himself to me, then I will believe.  Until then, I will find the truth relying on my own understanding and intellect to light the way before me.
Quite a popular attitude today.
There is nothing noble or impressive about being cynical.
 Skepticism is easy — anyone can do it. It is the faithful life that requires moral strength, dedication and courage. 
When we choose to believe, exercise faith unto repentance and follow our Savior Jesus Christ, we open our spiritual eyes to splendors we can scarcely imagine.
Be not afraid, only believe.
Have courage to believe. Be not afraid, only believe. Stand with Daniel.

You Are Not Alone in the Work

Any calling we receive in the Lord’s kingdom requires more than our human judgement and our personal powers.
As you move from one priesthood service to another, you will see the Lord is in the work with you.
Whatever your calling in the priesthood, you may have at times felt Heavenly Father was unaware of you.
You can pray to know His will, and with the honest desire to do what He asks you to do, you will receive an answer. The adversary is committed to our failure.

Keep the Commandments


Sunday AM

President Uchtdor conducting

Choir: Redeemer of Israel


Be an Example and a Light

Charity toward others
What are we going to do about the light in their eyes?

All things will work together for your good

We will be different

Those things which make us different from the world

Be a light in the lives of others



The Lord will qualify those whom He calls


A knowledge of the end from the beginning

Compensation for living in perilous times is living in the fulness of times

Cardiac surgeon

Chad's parents comforted ME

Song: How Firm a Foundation

Comments about passing of members of the First Quorum

Wives stood by the side of their dying husbands, angelic

Covenant keeping women show strength and courage

This Dispensensation is different than any other

President Kimball and the impact of covenant keeping women

Distinct and different from the women of the world, in happy ways

We need women who can speak with the power and authority of God

We need women who are able to shephard their children along the path to exaltation

If you quit now, others will have to learn what you already know

Piano an expression like voice

If the trumet give an uncertain sound

We need the clarion call of the trumpet

His words were not designed to confuse, but to inform the minds of men

When we as members make the decision to stand up something changes within us

True disciples of Christ are not looking to make excuses for the doctrine

This is the familiar melody

Because they have heard it from their premortal life

That They Do Always Remember Him

Stories of Jesus

Choir: There is Sunshine in my Soul Today

Sacrament prayer promise

To always have His Spirit to be with them

Companionship of the Holy Ghost makes that which is evil less attractive

Even the wise will have trouble discerning the truth from the world's deception

No physical evidence or logical argument

Since lies can influence us at any time, we need a constand witness

You have had times when you have felt the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. You have felt that imspiration TODAY.

Your power to do right will increase.

He prayed, then did what the Sprit prompted him to do.

Death of his mother

Assured him that her grace had qualified her to return home with honor.

He knew eternal truth the only way you can know it.

He had followed a different course to know other truths.

Thanking them for their service on behalf of the Savior

My mother was there to greet her.

Sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost.

Put your trust in that which leadeth to do good.


Choir: The Spirit of God


Sunday PM

Why the Church

Why does Jesus Christ use a church to carry out His and His Father’s work?

As societies grew more complex than simply extended families, God also called other prophets, messengers, and teachers.
God’s ultimate purpose is our progress.
More than simply being nice or feeling spiritual.
We often test one another with our personal idiosyncrasies.
Repentance is individual, but fellowship on that sometimes painful path is in the Church.
Conversion is not to the Church, but to Christ and His gospel.
The Church is, after all, the kingdom of God on the earth.
Some resent the Church because they want to define their own truth, but in reality it is a blessing to receive the Lord's will.

Two invitations.

Both invitations, if accepted, will require a disciplined effort over an extended period of time to reap the rewards, he said.

First, save money each week.

Second, ponderize one verse of scripture each week.

When our minds are filled with uplifting thoughts and images, when we ‘always remember him,’ there is no room left for filth and trash.

Don't be discouraged.  Hard can be good.

Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God

Don't be too critical of the barrier.

God's commandments, like the barrier, can seem to be restrictive when they are actually protective.

Protection from spiritual predators and the gaping jaws of sin.

We show our love for God by keeping the commandments,especially when the reason to do so isn't fully understood.

Keeping commandments is more than enduring a maze of barriers.

The Lord's commandments are given out of love and caring.

Grandma, you want me to wear my seat belt because you love me!

Some may feel that commandments restrict personal freedom.

Get safely back on the road of faith and obedience.

1. Trust God.

2. Trust Jesus.

3. Trust the whisperings of the Spirit.

4. Trust the counsel of living prophets.

There is safety in following the word of the Lord through His prophets.

Remembering in Whom We Have Trusted

Repentance is real and it works.

It can lead to a mighty change of heart that results in our having ‘no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.’

Repentance of necessity is not easy.

What does He ask us to do in return?

Turn to the Savior to become clean.

Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

We live in a time of great evil and temptation, a time of confusion and commotion.

Whatever level of spirituality or faith or obedience we now have, it will not be sufficient for the work that lies ahead.

We need greater spiritual light and power.

We need eyes to see more clearly the Savior working in our lives and ears to hear His voice more deeply in our hearts.

Simple obedience brings the Spirit into our hearts.

We will grow spiritually and gain experience with the Holy Ghost, and He will be our companion.

Our burdens truly will be swallowed up in the joy of our Redeemer.

Why do these things happen to me?

Why do I have to suffer

Isn't it enough to accept all the trials of this life for what they are, and then leave the rest up to the Lord?

Don't you think that this problem will be resolved when we are resurrected?

To see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.

Those who say, 'This is a gerontocracy. This is a church run by old men.'

Wonderful to have older men of great spiritual maturity and judgment serving.

Advancing age can in fact become a source of spiritual learning and insight.

When you cannot do what you have always done, then you only do what matters most.

Church leaders have tutoring from the Lord whom they represent, serve and love.

Hear and heed the eternal truths taught by the Lord's authorized representatives.

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