Sunday, October 02, 2016

October 2016 General Conference: Quentin L. Cook, "Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus"

There are a number of stumbling blocks to our valor that can prevent us from reaching the goal of eternal life.

The preferred strategy of the adversary is to lead people away from God and cause them to stumble by emphasizing the philosophies of men over the Savior and His teachings.

Some members of the Church lose their bearings and become influenced by the cause of the moment—many of which are clearly not righteous.

Many people have no remorse or willingness to acknowledge their conduct as being morally wrong. Even some who profess a belief in the Father and the Son wrongfully take the position that a loving Father in Heaven should exact no consequences for conduct that is contrary to His commandments.

Some members elevate causes, many of which are good, to a status superior to basic gospel doctrine. If we elevate anything above our devotion to the Savior, then we are looking beyond the mark. Jesus Christ is the mark!

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