Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gay in the News: Parents Impose Transgender on Child

How can a child make an informed choice about "gender identity"?  Apparently, some parents believe they can do it for him.  There is no question that such personal confusion is sometimes manifested from an early age.  But for the parents to commit to such a resort without any other basis does not represent love, it is simply projection.

The report says,

Amazingly, Keat (formerly Keaton) Rhodes, a 9-year-old boy from Ohio has “identified” himself as a girl since the very young age of just 4. The boy’s adoptive parents, Emily and Clint LeVan, claim that their child has already begun his gender transformation.

In several states a physician would be violating the law to even suggest that there are remedial approaches for treating gender disorders.  But apparently what that means is that instead they are obligated to encourage and facilitate transgender fantasies parents project on their children.  In more traditional medical practice, such a problem is commonly known as "Münchausen syndrome by proxy".  Perhaps it would be more appropriate had the parents submitted themselves for "trangender" process.

From the Wikipedia entry for "MSbP":
The primary distinguishing feature that differentiates MSbP from "typical" physical child abuse is the degree of premeditation involved. Whereas most physical abuse entails lashing out at a child in response to some behavior (e.g. crying, bedwetting, spilling food), assaults on the MSbP victim tend to be unprovoked and planned.
Also unique to this form of abuse is the role that health care providers play by actively, albeit unintentionally, enabling the abuse. By reacting to the concerns and demands of perpetrators, medical professionals are manipulated into a partnership of child maltreatment.  Challenging cases that defy simple medical explanations may prompt health care providers to pursue unusual or rare diagnoses, thus allocating even more time to the child and the abuser. Even without prompting, medical professionals may be easily seduced into prescribing diagnostic tests and therapies that are at best uncomfortable and costly, and at worst potentially injurious to the child.

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