I've heard the little voices before, telling me.

Who knows what is right or wrong?
All it would take is a word to begin negotiations on this matter. As is, I have to depend on the results of the discussion.
Apparently, those who cared enough to express an opinion thought our past was private business and should remain so. I've always agreed with that sentiment. We'll see how the next discussion fares. I guess I will continue until I get my request.
Thank you for your kind participation.
Thus far, common sense dictates the best course of action, according to the poll. Not surprising, at least to me, none have asserted that others should rule. Oh, I was already comfortable with the status quo -- I am the dictator of this domain, after all. But nice to know that everyone is in unanimous agreement about it.
Thanks. Keep speaking, if inclined. I always value insightful comments.
11 April, 2009 06:45
Jim Cobabe said...
I think the point is well understood that some expectations are unreasonable double standard by any measure. Please don't dwell on that point any more -- I'll just have to delete the comments.
Amie, I liked what you said, but the tone of your comment needed rewording to qualify unequivocally under Thumper's Rule. Please try again with a slight reworking of the text. I would love to post your comments. Just keep in mind the rules as I have stated and you'll be okay.
The point is, I am the dictator here. Everyone has to please me with comments. I make the rules, like it or don't. 10,000 readers can't all be mistaken.
Please express your conscience.
11 April, 2009 08:52
Jim Cobabe said...
All are invited to participate in the poll. Please don't be intimidated by the family presence. There are many others here too.
Join the discussion, so that we know your mind.
Thanks to all.
11 April, 2009 08:55
Grandma Cobabe said...
Well it is a beautiful day today. Some may not see it that way but snow is coming down in great big flakes drifting which ever way the wind blows. The mountain to the east of us looks like moving fog because the snow is so heavy..It is splediforous!!!
Sarah called earlier from Minnesota. They were on the way to a huge flower show and passed by lakes with swans swimming and a great big Hawk flew right over them.Then they were going to the big beautiful Cathedral in St Paul ,hoping to hear some fabulous music.After that they were going to eat breakfast at "The Diner" for lunch.
I told her I wished I was with them ,it sounded so fun. The girls could be heard happily chattering in the background. They have such a happy family.
HAPPY EASTER TO ALL OF YOU. Love ,Grandma Cobabe
11 April, 2009 11:47
Limasa Family said...
Happy Easter Grandma!
Love you!
11 April, 2009 12:41
Jim Cobabe said...
This is altogether a stupid thread.
I hereby disallow any further word of discussion of the subject. It was boring anyway. End of thread.
I threaded up my needle and hemmed up a pair of suit pants for Jim To wear tody. He really looked SHARP!!!!!
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