Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rehab progress 22

I have every evidence that rehabilitation is progressing normally, albiet very slowly. It is a challenging difficulty to continue in the exercises and routine, though I would dearly love to say that I am recovered. Too many problems yet remain.

I am encouraged that my balance and dizzyness seem to have improved so dramatically over the past few days. I was making the complaint to my physical therapist, Ben Robinson, that I can walk for long distances over an extended time period, when I have something to hang onto when I threaten to fall, but I cannot successfully walk across the room. That problem seems to have gotten much better this week. Although I still teeter and weave like a drunk man, I have a lot less to complain about. I told Ben that I think he worked some kind of voodoo spell on me, so abrupt were the changes. Maybe it is mostly imagined, but it seems I have a lot better time navigating. We went to the forest on Monday afternoon to collect more firewood for the winter, and I was able to work without being tripped up or falling down. The improvement was enough that I cannot deny, things are looking good. I only wish a few of the other problems I am having would respond so quickly and positively.


Unknown said...

Well you got one nephew thinking of you all the time. keep it up man, you'll recover fully, i'm sure of that much. i love you so much Jim. You'll recover, and you'll continue on doing what you love ,and i'm so proud of you for it. you're a huge inspiration to me

Unknown said...

Well you got one nephew thinking of you all the time. keep it up man, you'll recover fully, i'm sure of that much. i love you so much Jim. You'll recover, and you'll continue on doing what you love ,and i'm so proud of you for it. you're a huge inspiration to me

Karin said...

Hi Uncle Jim! It's Karin, Brian's wife. We have a blog too, so you can check it out if you ever feel so inclined.

It sounds like you are doing very well after your stroke. Brian and I think about you often and hope that you are getting better and better everyday. We love you! Keep at it! Things will get better :)


Karin said...
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Unknown said...

Brian and Karin,

I think of you too. I am sorry we don't get together more often, but it is a long trip.

I hope all is well for you. I know that you may run into hard times, but always remember we are wishing you the best, and keep on trying.