Monday, March 09, 2009

Update on Jim's Status

This is Carl, posting for Jim.

We went to visit Jim at the hospital today.  I got there about 4:15, and there was a neurologist examining Jim.  I was really pleased to see how well Jim was interacting with the doctor; he was doing MUCH better than he had been only 24 hours before.

Shortly after, Mom and Dad Cobabe and Cindy (my wife) arrived.  After the doctor finished his examination, Jim asked for a bit of private time with us.  The hospital staff all left, and Jim shared with us an experience of a visitor from beyond the veil who told him it was not yet his time to go.  So Jim agreed to stay on earth and continue to endure.  I believe that it was this visitor who had made such a substantial impact on Jim's attitude and progress.

We then gave Jim a blessing.  It was a pleasure for me to assist.  Jim was promised that he would recover and that he had much to do before he leaves this earth.

We then had the chance to fill out medical history.  Cindy got to ask Jim all sorts of personal questions, and write down his answers.  Jim's vocabulary and sense of humor came through as he responded appropriately to some pretty off-the-wall questions.

We got to break the rules -- four of us got to visit when you're only allowed two, and we got to stay until 6:45 when visiting hours ended at 5:45.  I guess that was partly because we were getting his paperwork filled out, and partly because the doctor was there during part of visiting hours.  Anyway, it was great to see the progress that Jim has made.

Thanks to all of you for your faith and prayers.  I believe they are making a difference.

On our way out, Jim spent some time asking us to do all we could do to help Ruth.  Ruth, Jim loves you and wants you to know that.   He's concerned that you'll feel guilty for his problems, and that with all the attention directed to him, you might be overlooked.  Know that he loves you.

All in all, I considered it a very positive visit.  I believe that he's on his way back.

Thanks for all your love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Carl and Cindy for your involvement and your love!