Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I guess I'll be on first

I ran across this quote today by Patricia Holland that I really liked:
Believe me when I tell you that God is a God of justice. Ultimately, he cannot treat his righteous children differently. Whatever blessings you have gone without will be made up to you in divine and glorious fashion. I give you every assurance, they will be made up to you to the point where you will not be confident that God treated you fairly but embarrassed that he treated you so very generously.
I posted this in the comments section on accident, but it's worth reading twice. I am Jim's sister, Sarah; and I don't blog!


LivingstonClan said...

I like that a lot Sarah! Gives some really great reassurance in tough times. Nice to know we are never forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Great thought!



Unknown said...


An especially apt quote. I keep hearing thunder when I am in the temple, and I always hope the lightning bolt won't hit me. So far so good, but there's more. I'm happy we get mercy instead of of justice sometimes...

B. Perky said...

You are a blogger now.

Unknown said...


I'm VERY happy and proud of Sarah.

Now, What's next -- obviously!

Sarah said...

Of course I didn't tell you that my interpretation of that quote is that I will have a smoking hot body in the next life.